The p and q statements are provided on the problem.
For part (a), it says that it is raining or Bob is wearing a hat. As you can see, it is a combination of the two statements with or as the combining premise. If or is used to establish a relationship between two statements, the correct symbol to be used is v. Hence,
Descriptive form: It is raining or Bob is wearing a hat.
Symbol form: q v p
For part (b), it negates statement p. The correct symbol to represent the descriptive form since it is a negation is ~. Hence, we have
Descriptive form: It is not raining
Symbol form: ~p
For part (c), the relationship Λ stands for and. The symbolic form says that p Λ q. Hence, the descriptive form for this is
Descriptive form: It is raining and Bob is wearing a hat.