The protein needed per day is at least 150 grams This means it can be larger than or equal to 150 grams per day .
Protein nedded >= 150 grams

Now, we need to include for the nutrients that provide that protein:
salami slices = 15 grams per slice
scoop of powder = 30 grams per scoop
Since we don't know the number of slices of salami, we use a letter (s) to represent it.
Since we don't know the number of scoops of protein powder, we use a letter (p) to represent these.
So since per slice we we 15 grams of protein, using "s" slaices we wiould get 15 * s grams of protein (in math terms: "15 s".
Similarly with the scoops of protein powder: If we use "p" scoops, we would get 30 times "p" grams of protein (in math terms: "30 p"
So now we add these two last expression to get the total amount of protein from these sources:
15 s + 30 p
and we want them to provide at least 150 grams of protein. So we write in math terms:
15 s + 30 p >= 150