Percy works two part-time jobs to help pay for college
At which job does Percy earn the greater hourly wage?
classes. On Monday, he works 3 hours at the library and
How much does Percy earn each hour at this job?
2 hours at the coffee cart and earns $36.50. On
Tuesday, he works 2 hours at the library and 5 hours at
a Percy earns a greater hourly wage of $7.00 at the
the coffee cart and earns $50. His hourly wage at the
library, x, and hourly wage at the coffee cart, y, can be
Percy earns a greater hourly wage of $7.00 at the
determined using the system of equations below.
coffee cart.
3x + 2y = 36.50
Percy earns a greater hourly wage of $7.50 at the
Percy earns a greater hourly wage of $7.50 at the
coffee cart.
2x : 5y = 50.00