Recall the formula for the probability of an event:

From the given data, the total number of engineers is:

It follows that the probability P(Electrical) is:

The number of electrical engineers is:

Substitute into the probability:

The probability P(Male) from the probability formula is:

The Number of male engineers is:

Substitute into the probability:

The probability P(Electrical and male) is:

The number of electrical engineers who are male is 4357.
Hence, the probability is:

The formula for conditional probability is given as:

It follows that:

Substitute the calculated probabilities:

Based on the calculated probabilities in 1-4, it can be seen that the probabilities P(Electrical and male) ≠ P(Electrical) P(Male), also P(Electrical | male) ≠ P(electrical).
From the definitions given in the hint, it can be inferred that the events "Electrical" and "Male" are not independent.
The events "Electrical" and "Male" are not independent, because:
P(Electrical and male) ≠ P(Electrical) P(Male) and P(Electrical | male) ≠ P(electrical).