Water has a huge impact on a living organism, it is considered that life was possible due to water so talking about the impact of this abiotic factor on populations has deep implications. We can divide water influence into two main categories, one is in aquatic organisms and the other on terrestrial organisms, in the first case is their medium in which live and are adapted to so is not just vital support but the environment itself. In the second case on terrestrial organisms we have that abundance and availability of water has shaped the flora and fauna we see on different ecosystems, and the organisms on it are adapted to deal with it, for example, we have deserts, where plants and animals are adapted to the scarcity of water, in wich way they maximize the few millimeters of water available, and on the other hand, we have rain forests or jungles were plants and animals are adapted to deal with water excess. So as we can see water shapes basically the entire ecosystem.