The circumference C of a circle of radius r is given by:

Substitute r=60 feet to find the circumference of the first track:

b) Use the same procedure as in problem a), but substitute r=85 feet.
c) Use the same procedure as in problem a), but substitute r=110 feet.
Since the diameter of a circle is twice its radius, then the circumference C is given in terms of the diameter D by the following equation:

Substitute D=150 ft to find the value of the circumference.
Problem 2
a) Using the equation that relates the circumference in terms of the radius:

Divide both sides by 2*pi to isolate r:

Substitute C=150ft to find out the value of r:

b) Use the same procedure as in part a) but substitute C=200ft.
c) This question asks for the diameter instead of the radius. Use the equation:

Divide both sides by pi to isolate D:

And then substitute C=400 ft. You may also find the radius first and then multiply by 2 to find the diameter, since: