Accordint to the question, if you drive 115 km per day, the distance covered in a week will be expressed as;

Convert kilometers to miles
Convert 805km to miles
805km = 500.204miles
Convert miles to gallons
Since 41.0miles = 1 gallon
500.204miles = 12.195gallons
This shows that the total gallons used in a week is 12.195gallons
Convert gallons to litres
1 gallon = 3.78541litres
12.195gallons = 46.163 litres
If the gas costs 1.10 euros per liter, the cost of 46.163 litres will be 50.78 euros (1.10* 46.163)
Assuming that 1euro = 1.26dollars, the amount of money spent on gas for a week in dollars will be (1.26 * 50.78) which is $63.98
500.204miles =