1.- For the superfemale with the pure bread normal male (in this case pure means he is homozygote, or -SS-).
In the first cross, there is no chance for superstrength inheritance, as the male double presence of dominant alleles dominates the expressión. Therefore, normal strength, 100%.
2.- For the heterozygote superhero (that is -Ss-, which means he has normal strength) with the super strong female, we have:
In this case the result is quite different. All the difference lies in the males genotype. Now he carries a recessive allele, which could combine with the female's recessive alleles. So, in this case, there is a chance that the offspring inherit two recessive alleles, which means superstrenght inheritance. Thus, in the second example, 50% of the offspring could have superstrenght, while 50% could have normal strength, it is a 50-50 proportion.