For this problem, we are given a certain trigonometric expression shown below:

And we need to represent it as a sin, tan, or cos of a double angle. The first thing we can do to make this easier is to assign a variable to 2pi/3, which we can see below:

Now we can replace the expression above with the original one:

We know that a tangent is a division between a sine and a cosine. We can replace the tangent on the expression above with that division:

Now we need to find the LCM on the denominator, so we can transform the denominator into a single fraction.

Now, we have a division between two fractions. We need to conserve the first fraction and multiply it by the inverse of the second one.

We have a trigonometric identity that says the following:

And another that states this:

If we replace the two identities above on our fraction, we will obtain:

The division between the sine and cosine is equal to the tangent, therefore we have:

We know the value for x, therefore we can replace it on the expression above and find the value for the tangent.

This concludes that:

The correct option is B, and the value we need to input on the blank box is 4pi/3.