We have to fill the table using the information from the Venn diagram.
The sample size is 49, but we can check that, in the Venn diagram, the number of people represented is 17+7+12 = 36.
This means that 49-36 = 13 persons don't fit in the categories represented in the Venn diagram. If we look at the categories, they represent the people that watch either basketball or soccer (or both), so we can conclude that 13 people don't watch neither ot the two.
In the intersection between Soccer and Basketball, the number 7 represents the number of people that watch both.
Outside the intersection region, we can see that 17 people watch basketball but not soccer and 12 people watch soccer but not basketball.
With this information, we can complete the table as:
NOTE: we can see that the sum of the total of the columns and the sum of the total of the rows has to give the same number.