here is your number 9524805
now we will see which digit is at million place
we found that 9 is the digit on million place
now we will see its next right digit
that is 5 we have
if the digit is 5 or more than increase 1 in million place
so the million place of the number will be 10
rest of the digit will be 0 on right side
thus, the right answer is 10000000.
the digit 9 will be increased by 1
we will have 10 at the place of 9
and rest digit of the right side of 9 will be 0
now we have 10000000.
we can write the number in this form for easy understanding.
So on the million's place, we have 9 as u can see
and the right digit is 5, so we will increase the 9 by 1.
thus, the 9 will turn into 10 and we put the rest of the digit right to 9 as 0
therefore, the number is 10000000.