All faces of a bench except the two faces that rest on the ground will be coated with a water-resistant paint.
So, the number of the sides that will be coated = 8 sides
The upper side with dimensions of 63 in and 16 in
Area = 63 * 16 = 1008 in²
Two sides of dimensions of 18.5 in and 16 in
Area = 2 * 18.5 * 16 = 592 in²
Two sides of dimensions of 14 in and 16 in
Area = 2 * 14 * 16 = 448 in²
Two sides on the front and behind, the one side will the difference of total rectangle and the space:

One side that will face the ground of dimensions 54 in and 16 in
Area = 54 * 16 = 864 in²
So, the total area = 1008 + 592 + 448 + 819 + 864 = 3731 in²
so, the answer will be: Area = 3731 in²