First, we have to set up the necessary equation for work:

As we can approximate the integral to:

Where V is the volume and P is the pressure.
So, we can calculate these variables:
We have a number 1 state, which is the initial for both pistons (let's call the left piston A and the right one B), and we have the change in the volume that can be shown in the next equation

Where A is the transversal area and S is the position. We have the change in the position, so we can calculate the change in the volume:

Now, we can make these equivalence as the exercise tells that work in conserved:

And, if we assume that the process is isobaric (the pressure is the same in both), we can calculate the change in the volume as follows:

And now, we can calculate the change in the position through the same equation that we used before:

So, the answer is that the right piston moves 0.5m