What is the Smoke Free Air Act?
- ♡↝Smoke free air act states that smoking at any indoor public place or workspace is illegal and ought not be practiced.
Why is it in existence?
- ♡↝It's due to the excessive amount of tobacco smoke into the air making it toxic and hazardous to individuals health.
What 4 areas are the states evaluated on?
- ♡↝compliance
- ♡↝ indoor air quality
- ♡↝bio monitoring
- ♡↝medical testsa
- ♡↝health behaviors
Are there states in the country that are “smoke free?” If so how many
- ♡↝There are 28 smoke free states in the country
How does Pennsylvania rate? What is PA’s overall grade?
- ♡↝PA ranks at 20 among the other States overall approximately 17% of the population above 18 smokes .