a) We have to calculate the total reimbursement.
We can list the types of lunches and reimbursements for each:
0. Free lunches: the school served 29,000 free lulnches and will receive $2.68 for each one.
1. Reduced-price lunches: the school served 19,000 reduced-price lunchs and will receiv $2.28 for each one.
2. Full price lunches: the school seved 51,000 regular-price lunches and will receive $0.25 for each one.
Then, we can calculate the total reimbursement as:
The lunch reimbursement should be $133,790.
b) The milk reimbursement can be estimated as $0.035 per lunch, so it can be calculated as:
The milk reinbursement is $3,465.
c) We can calculate the total reinbursement as the sum of the lunch reinbursement and the milk reinbursement:
The total reinbursement is $137,255.
d) We can calculate the average reinbursement per lunch dividing the total reinbursement by the number of lunches:
The average reinbursement is $1.39 per lunch.