The following information is given about the different cities:
City 1:
Number of fliers: 600
Number on the mailing list: 35
Total number of people the promotion reached:
Number of more people present: 36
Therefore, a promotion reaching 635 people will have 36 more people.
City 2:
Number of fliers: 200
Number on the mailing list: 20
Total number of people the promotion reached:
Number of more people present: 17
Therefore, a promotion reaching 220 people will have 17 more people.
City 3:
Number of fliers: 800
Number on the mailing list: 50
Total number of people the promotion reached:
Number of more people present: x
We can find the value of more people in City 3 by interpolation. The interpolation formula is given to be:
Thus, we will use the following parameters to solve:
Therefore, we can substitute and solve as shown below:
Since the number cannot be a decimal, the number will be approximately 46.
The number of people the band expects more than an unpromoted band will be 46 people.