Percent : Fraction : Decimal
1. 45% : 45/100 : 0.45
2. 175% : 175/100=7/4 : 1.75
3. 1/4% : 1/400 : 0.0025
4. 2.5 % : 1/40 : 0.025
5. 20% :1/5 : 0.2
6. 40% :4/10 :0.4
7. 12.5% :1/8 :0.125
8. 90% :9/10 :0.9
9. 320% :16/5 :3.2
10.425% :17/4 : 4.25
• In order to get the values of column 1, multiply the third columns value by 100.
• In order to get the values in second column, divide column 1 by 100
• in order to get values in the third column, find the decimal from column 2