We have two options: 1) sports bike and 2) leisure bike.
We can compare them in unit rates (miles per gallon) or we can compare the miles per run for the same amount of gallons, if that is available in the data.
We will do the last: we have the miles per run for 20 gallons for both bikes.
1) The sports bike makes 1150 miles with 20 gallons,
2) The leisure bike makes 880 miles with 20 gallons.
Then, as the sports bike makes more miles per gallon, we know that it is more gas efficient.
We can calculate how much efficient as the quotient between the additional miles the sports bike makes and the miles made by the leisure bike.
This show us how many more miles the sport bike makes relative to the number of miles that the leisure bike makes

Then, we can conclude that the sports bike makes 31% more miles than the leisure bike. In other words, the sports bike is 31% more efficient.
Answer: the sports bike is more efficient (31%).