Step-by-step explanation:
YES it is is! REALLY only the people of such a country can make there country strenghful by there own strength,they can make it friendly by there own character,they can make it successful by there own sucess.Probabaly it's because every goodwill of a country depends on its people.Example;If the citizens of a particular country are friendly and greet other foreign people in the best manners the other country people will be impressed and they'll probably say that the people of that country are so friendly and hence the country is also friendly,or they can just say it in direct manners that really that country is very friendly.FOR EXAMPLE:I can give example of such countries with people who greet there foreigners with goodwill;
1)"Pakistan(sometimes these people don't even charge money or something on tourists etc)
2)"South Korea(these people are also loyal)
3)"France(gentle people)
And others etc.Im not saying that these countries are like good than others,I'm saying that all countries have something beautiful and patriotic..