Representing intervals as we are doing for your question means we will represent all the possible values of x. To do that we will colour in blue all possible values of x but there is a detail we must to consider. The limits of the interval. for that we have two symbols, [ that means "closed on the value" and ( that means "opened on the value". So if there is a [ on a number it means that number makes part of the interval, but if there is a ( it means that number is not in the interval.
Now, for our inequality we have
Once x can be equal or superior to 2 it means 2 is part of the interval because x can be this value, but x is inferior to 8 but it can not be 8 so 8 is not on the interval. Once we know that, know we can represent our interval as follows:
And that is our final answer.
For an interval notation we can write [2,8).