11. Write an e-mail with one of the following messages, observing the guidelines discussed in this chapter. a. You have just made a big sale and you want to inform your boss. b. You have just lost a big sale and you have to inform your boss. c. Tell a co-worker about a union or national sales meeting. d. Notify a company to cancel your subscription to one of its publications be- cause you find it to be dated and no longer useful in your profession. e. Request help from a listserv about research for a major report you are preparing for your employer. f. Advise your district manager to discontinue marketing one of the com- pany's products because of poor customer acceptance. g. Send a short article (about two hundred words) to your company's online newsletter about some accomplishment your office, department, or section achieved in the last month. h. Write to a friend studying finance at a German, Korean, or South American university about the biggest financial news in your town or neighborhood in the last month.