In this project, you are required to create a PowerPoint presentation with images of three tall structures in your neighborhood, community, or town. You will calculate the heights of these structures without leaving the ground and include the measurements in both US customary units and SI in your presentation. Here is a step-by-step guide to completing this assignment:
1. Title Slide: Start your presentation with a title slide that introduces the project.
2. Technique Slide: Create a slide that outlines the technique you used to measure the heights of the structures. You can mention the methods involving the object's shadow, a stick and geometry, or even a broom.
3. Structure Images: Include images of the three tall structures in your presentation. If possible, include images of yourself in the field performing the measurements and calculations. This will make your presentation more engaging and show your active involvement in the project.
4. Height Measurements: For each structure, calculate and include the height in both US customary units (such as feet) and SI units (such as meters). You can use the techniques mentioned earlier to calculate these measurements.
5. Calculation Slide: Create a slide for each structure that shows the calculations you used to compute the heights. This will help others understand the process you followed.
6. Reference Page: At the end of your presentation, include a reference page that lists the sources you used for information about the structures and measurement techniques. Make sure to use credible sources for accurate information.
Remember to organize your presentation in a clear and logical manner. Use appropriate language, proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling throughout. Submit your project electronically by the due date set by your instructor. If you encounter any technical difficulties, inform your instructor immediately. Make sure to follow any file naming instructions provided by your instructor.
Good luck with your project!