Brooke with 13 ft/sec
Ron is (12 ft/second)
To figure out Brooke we have to divide 329 by 24 to figure out her feet per second.
329/24 = 13.7083 so already is ahead of Ron.
To figure out Jessica we must first figure out the length of a mile in feet to keep the feet per second denominator going.
1 mile= 5280 ft
so now we divide
5280/591 = 8.9340
So Jessica is not the fastest so Brooke still stands number 1.
For Tony we divide 645 by the number of seconds in one minute
there are 60 seconds in a minute so
645/60= 10.75
So the fastest is brooke.
Ron = 12 ft/sec
Brooke = 13 ft / sec
Jessica = 8 ft / sec
Tony = 10 ft/ sec