If I were the prosecuting attorney, I would charge Darla with first degree murder, and Lincoln with accessory after the fact to first degree murder. However, I would cut a deal with both Tommy and Lincoln to testify against the teacher, Darla. Although Tommy did commit and was found guilt of a murder, Tommy is only fifteen years old. He was also seduced, manipulated, and touched by his teacher. In all 50 states of the United States of America, the age of consent is 16, 17, or 18. This means that in all 50 states, Darla is also guilty of statutory r a p e, along with multiple states having even harsher punishments for adults who use their role as an educator, coesunelor, or parental guardian to se xually take advantage of a minor. As a prosecuting attorney, I would charge Darla with first degree murder, and go after her as the prime target. Tommy can have his sentenced reduced. As Darla's defense attorney, the entire case against her is circumstantial and lies solely on the testimony of especially Tommy and also Lincoln. I can argue that Darla, never told Tommy to kill her husband, but that she just informed Tommy the only way they could be together forever is if her husband was out of the picture. Tommy easily could have located the firearm in her house, take the gun, and then killed her husband so that he could be with his teacher forever. The entire case lies on a jury believing a convicted murderer, or a teacher who at this point, has no criminal record that we know of.
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