(1). Multiply both the numerator and denominator of each fraction by the number that makes its denominator equal the LCD (Least Common Denominator).
So lets do step one now, the LCD is 15 so we have to make both denominators agree on one number, so 15 is the number both denominators agree on.
2*3/5*3 - 1*5/3*5
(2). Complete the multiplication.
6/15 - 5/15
(3). The two fractions now have like denominators so you can subtract the numerators.
6 - 5 / 15 - 15 = 1/15
*Pro tip:
The denominator doesn't change and stays the same. So you don't
subtract the 15 by 15.
(4). Then you'll get the answer and then if you can simplify then simplify.
The Answer is 1/15, and cannot be simplified.
So the answer is 1/15
Hope this helps!