At last. They were safe. A brave little company of pioneers from the Atlantic coast crossed the Mississippi River. They finally succeeded in climbing to the top of the great Rockies and down again into a valley in the very midst of the mountains. It was a valley of brown, bare, desert soil, in a climate where almost no rain falls. But the snow on the mountain-tops sent down little streams of pure water; the winds were gentle. Like a blue jewel at the foot of the western hills was a marvelous lake of salt water, an inland sea. Some wanted to keep going, but most said, this is where we should liveāthe journey is accomplished. So the pioneers settled there and built themselves huts and cabins so they could survive the first winter.
What is the main idea of the 1st paragraph?
a. The pioneers got to their destination.
b. It was a difficult journey.
c. It would be a challenging winter.
d. The lake would be important.