18. Aileen
19. Edward
20. 25 seconds
21. 40 seconds
22. 55 seconds or 3 minutes, 20 seconds - 4 minutes, 15 seconds
Hello! Alright, let's start breaking down the answers one by one!
To begin with 18, we just have to simply compare everyone's time to the actual time! (3 minutes and 46 seconds). To make this easier for us, we should convert everyone's time into the form of minutes/seconds. So it would be:
- Aileen: 3 minutes, 50 seconds
- Alejandra: 4 minutes
- Chris: 3 minutes, 20 seconds
- Davina: 3 minutes, 40 seconds
- Edward: 4 minutes, 15 seconds
As you can compare here, the closest person here would be Aileen being 4 seconds off from the actual time.
Based off of what we did in 18, we can use that chart to compare, we just have to find the time differences to see who is more off from the actual time and that would be:
- Aileen: +4 seconds
- Alejandra: +14 seconds
- Chris: -26 seconds
- Davina: -6 seconds
- Edward: +29 seconds
Here in this case, Edward's estimate would be the farthest away with +29 seconds.
To calculate the time difference between these two, we simply just take the data from 18 and compare Aileen and Edward. In this case, it would be a difference of 25 seconds.
Again, we take a look at Alejandra and Chris's estimate and compare the time difference. In this case, it would be 40 seconds.
Finally, to figure out the range, we essentially just need to figure out the time difference between the lowest time and the highest time estimated. So that would be Chris's time (3 minutes, 20 seconds) and Edward's time (4 minutes, 15 seconds) and that would be 55 seconds.