Answers in bold and underlined.
Answer 1: Era muy importante que tú no hicieras ni un solo ruido.
Translation 1: It was very important that you didn't make a single noise.
Answer 2: ¿Qué querías que hiciera ?
Translation 2: What did you want me to do?
Answer 3: Le pedí a Juan que te diera una lista de precios.
Translation 3: I asked Juan to give you a price list.
Answer 4: No creí que ella tenia razón en este asunto.
Translation 4: I didn't think she was right in this matter.
Answer 5: Esperaba poder ir a verte muy pronto.
Translation 5: I was hoping to be able to see you very soon.
Answer 6: La puerta estaba abierta. Era posible que hubiera alguien dentro anoche.
Translation 6: The door was open. Someone might have been inside last night.
Answer 7: Siento que tu mamá estuviera tan enferma la semana pasada.
Translation 7: I'm sorry your mom was so sick last week.