Recall the Fundamental Counting principle; if there are m ways to make a selection and n ways to make a second selection, then there are m x n number of ways in which two selection can be made.
ut of the provided digits, if the number ends with 3
ase 1: Tnumber of one digit numbers.
ut of the digits provided, only one way to fil;l the box that is with one.
Thus, there is one digit odd integer here.
Case 2: The number of two digits.
Out of the digits provided, only one way to fill the last box is with digit 3, and any one of the 4 digits can filled in it as 0 cannot filled in either of the box.
Thus, number of ways are;

Aase 3: The number of three digit numbers.
ut of the digits provided, only one way to flll the last box is with digit 3, and any one of the 5 digits can be filled in second box, and thus any one of the 4 digits can be filled in first box as 0 cannot be fixed in the box.
Thus, number of ways are;

: The numbver of four digit numbers.
he number of ways are;

Thus, the total number of ways to select are;