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Scary story in 350 words

User Jujka
7.1k points

1 Answer

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This is a story that I wrote in 7th grade, hope you enjoy! More than 900 words. It might have a very few errors.

Haunted Motel

“911, what's your emergency?” asked the person on the phone

“Uh, I am in a motel and I just saw a monster.” the caller said in fear.

“Are you sure it-” the person on the phone was cut off.

“YES! I know what I saw.”

“Ok, all I need is your name and where you are.”

“Uh, my name is Billy Everstien. And I am at the Sleep Castle Motel.”

“Ok, we will be there as soon as we can.”

Sorry, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Billy Everstien, everybody calls me Old Man Billy. I live in San Francisco, but I am on a road trip to meet some family up in Seattle. I needed a place to stay for the night, so I stopped at a nearby motel. It is called the Sleep Castle Motel. Anyway, the reason I am calling the police is that I had just seen a monster. I know, I know. It sounds pretty ridiculous, but I know what I saw. You just have to believe me. This is actually not my first time seeing one. Last time I thought I was hallucinating. But the second time, I knew something was going on. When I saw the monster, it looked like a blob on the floor. It freaked me out because I was up late at night getting a late-night snack. I thought it was just the carpet, but then it started moving. So, I grabbed a chair and attempted to wack it. I failed to hit it but still scared it. It ran out of my room to the lobby. And that is when I decided to call the police. Now, since we are done with that, we can get going with the story.

“Sir, we did not find any monster of sorts in your room.” the police officer said in a stern voice

“But I swear I saw one, you believe me don’t you?” Billy asked

“Sir, we searched everywhere, even in the Made’s closet and the bathrooms. There are no monsters, anywhere. You should be sorry that you had to wake up everybody in this entire motel and have them leave their rooms.”

“You should be ashamed of yourself.” the Hotel Manager said

“I was just calling because I saw one. Why does no one believe me?”

As I walked back to my room, I got many fingers pointed at me and eye rolls. I felt so terrible that I just wanted to go to my bed and cry. Right when I opened the door, I saw a ghost!


“Shhh, the ghost whispered, My name is Sussan.’’

“Wha… what… why are you here, Sussan the ghost.”

“First off, I am not a ghost, I am a spirit. And second, I live here. I believe you because I was eaten by the monster. I died in this room.”

“So, you don't think I am crazy, right?”

“Of course not. But I need your help to slay this monster. The only problem is that I don’t know where it lives. Can you help me find out?”

“YES! Exclaimed Billy, But one question, why can I only see you?”

“You can only see me because you are the only person who believes in the monster, everybody else can't see it cause they don't believe in monsters. I didn’t believe it, and I had to pay the price. Do you want everybody to pay the same price as I did?”

“No.’’ Billy quietly said

“Then you need to help me.”

“Ok! But where do we start, I might be able to see it again tonight and follow it to its home.”

“That is a great idea! Ok, so tonight try to follow it to where it lives, and in the morning, report it back to me.”

“Got it!”

So, I waited in my bed until I heard a “THUMP”. I think he was in the kitchen, so I creeped out of bed and saw him stealing all the food in the pantry. When he ate all of it, he ran out the door. He did it pretty fast so I had to sprint down the halls but quietly. When we got to the end of the hall, he stopped. He stayed there for a couple of minutes and BOOM! All of a sudden, an elevator appeared. He jumped in and closed the door before I could get in.

“Sussan! Sussan!” Billy started yelling

“What, did you find where he lives?’

“Ya! He is living underground. I saw him hop into an elevator.”

“But there are no elevators in this motel.”

“I know, but it just appeared and then disappeared.”

“Then we need to get him! But how do we get the elevator to appear?”

“Maybe we just wait there as he did?”

“Let's try that.”

So, we headed down the hallway until we got to the end where I saw the elevator appear. When we got there we waited there for a couple of minutes, and sure enough, the elevator appeared. We hopped right into the elevator and it instantly went down. It went down really fast. I guess this guy's house is really far underground because it took us like 10 minutes to get to a stop. Right when the elevator doors opened, I saw the monster. But what was he doing? It looked like he was making some device, but what device?

“I think I know what that is. I think it is a multiplier. He is trying to multiply himself! If he does this, he can take over the world.”

"Then we have to stop him!”

We crept upon him and then “Crack!” I had accidentally stepped on a stick!

“Oh no”

User Parth Bhanderi
7.2k points