Jerusalem is a big and popular city located in the country of Israel. It is also the capital of Israel and is a place of pilgrimage importance to the Hebrew residents in the world.
Jerusalem holds an extremely important place for pilgrim in people of the specific religion who follow Allah. It is located in the region popularly known as Canaan.
Canaan is on the borderline of the west coast near the countries like Syria and Lebanon. It is located in the Southern side of Levant and is currently known as a city that comprises of Hebrew population.
. In 1000 BC, the King David had taken over the influence of Jerusalem and this resulted in Jewish settlements throughout the city and was declared as the capital of his kingdom.
Solomon's temple was a place of gathering for the Israeli population and also served as a religious temple. It still continues to attract a huge number of pilgrims throughout the world.
There was always an area of tension between the Hebrews and the people belonging from countries like Philistines, Assyrians And Babylonians as there was a quarrel between the Jews with Christians ever after the World War happened when Hitler tried to destroy entire Jewish humanity.
Hence, there are various facts about the traditional city Jerusalem and the Jewish people which led to be written in the history books.
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