(-4/9) - (-7/18)
First we have to find the LCM (Least Common Multiple) between the two denominators.
9, 18
As you can see from above, 18 is the LCM of 9 and 18. Now we multiply the numerators with the amount of times you had to list the multiples. For 9 it's 2 times (9, 18), and for 18 it's 1 time (18).
So 4x2=8 and 7x1=7
We can now rewrite the fractions as so:
(-8/18) - (-7/18)
Since they're both negatives we change the second fraction to a positive
(-8/18) - (+7/18)
And if we subtract both we end up with
I hope this helps, I tried to explain this in the most simplest way I can