hello I have trouble with these notions addressed a little help please thank you.
3. What is the set of words referring to the first person called?
4. What is the name of this figure of speech which makes it possible to evoke several elements of a list by classifying them in order of intensity?
6. What are the terms used to highlight what we are talking about?
8. What is a sentence without a verb called?
9. To make the voice of the speaker heard: it is to report his words to the...
10. What figure of speech allows you to make your interlocutor say what you want to hear, in the form of a question?
11. What type of text tries to convince its interlocutor?
12. What is the name of a poem of 14 lines composed of two quatrains followed by two tercets?
13. What are the words called that devalue what we are talking about?
15. Which adjective characterizes an utterance in which the speaker expresses his opinion, his opinion or his personal feelings?
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