this is long division. (N.B: any number that you get after dividing it by nine, put it in the boxes at the top). Nine cannot go into 2 therefore you would go to the next number and you get 26 and then divide the 26 by 9. When you divide 26 by 9 your answer will be 2 but two multiplied by 9 is 18 and not 26, therefore you will minus the 18 from the 26 as it is shown above and your answer will be 8 so you should write 8 under the 8 that is under the 6 and carry down number 1. Then you will get 81 and you should then divide 81 by the 9. 9 into 81 goes 9 times therefore you next answer is nine. then you minus the answer you would get when you multiply 9 by 9 from 81 which would be equal to 0. 9 into 0 gives you 0 so the answer you would put in the last box is 0. therefore your final answer is 290.