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What is shielding effect due to hollow charged surface

User Ogggre
6.5k points

1 Answer

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Electrostatic shielding

Step-by-step explanation:

Positive and negative charges that are out of balance cause static electricity. One substance becomes positively charged and one becomes negatively charged when two dissimilar materials are rubbed together. Materials have been rated according on how well they can hold or release electrons. The triboelectric series is the name given to this order. These materials include paper, plastic, glass, hair, nylon, wool, and silk.

Electrons are merely transferred from one location to another when we charge anything with static electricity. There are no new or lost protons or electrons. The overall or net electric charge does not change. The "conservation of charge" principle refers to this.

An electric field is produced around charged items. The amount of charge, the distance involved, and the form of the items are just a few of the variables that affect how strong this field is. When dealing with huge items, this may get rather problematic. We may thus deal with "point sources" of charge to make things simpler. Point sources, also known as sources of insignificant dimensions, are charged objects that are much, much smaller than the space between them. The word "static" comes from the fact that an electric charge exists even when the electrons are not moving.

In the 1780s, French scientist Charles Coulomb (1736–1806) gave the first detailed account of electric field intensities. He discovered that the electrical force for point charges directly changes with the product of the charges. In other words, the field is stronger the higher the charges. Additionally, the field changes inversely with the square of the charge separation. This implies that the force weakens with increasing distance.

Because a significant charge may harm fragile electronic components like MOSFETs, CMOS ICs, Computer cards, TTL chips, and even LEDs, static electricity presents challenges for experimenters and electronics makers.

In a laboratory, there are a few fairly easy techniques to prevent static charges. The lab's air is made more humid, which reduces static electricity. Dry environments are better for electron accumulation. A thin coating of water molecules covers the majority of surfaces during humid days, allowing electrons to flow more easily and making nearly everything conductive and static-free. As a result, shocks are less frequent on these days.

Some factory employees must adhere to stringent dress codes, avoiding sweaters and headgear that can promote static. Technicians may wear wrist bands that deliver additional electrons into the earth by connecting them to the floor with a metal wire.

In factories, "air ionizers" are also used to regulate electron behavior. The devices release ions, or molecules with an excess of electrons, into a space. Ions are molecules with one or more missing electrons. The electrons find their opposites as they align with them as they drift around the room looking for equilibrium. Ionizers stop the accumulation of static electricity.

Sometimes we need a completely electrostatic-free environment for a piece of equipment to function extremely effectively, and the only definite way to achieve this is by creating a kind of enclosure that the equipment is designed to operate in. It could take up a whole room or perhaps just a metal box in a lab. A FARADAY'S CAGE is what it is called. It was created by British scientist Michael Faraday (1791–1867) and protects the contents from static electric forces.

The term comes from the fact that these enclosures resemble cages in many ways. Some are as straightforward as metal or chain-link enclosures. Some people employ a thin metallic mesh. No matter how they look exactly, all Faraday cages spread electrostatic charges or even specific forms of electromagnetic radiation around the cage's surface, keeping the interior free of them. (The metal mesh must contain holes that are shorter than the wavelength that is to be filtered in order to screen against electromagnetic radiation.) In essence, a Faraday cage is merely a "hollow conductor," with the charge only remaining on the cage's outside.

An airplane is the greatest illustration of a Faraday's Cage. Lightning frequently strikes airplanes when they are in the air. Despite the fact that it occurs frequently, neither the passengers nor the plane are harmed. This is so because the plane's metal body acts as a Faraday cage. Lightning strikes harmlessly over the surface of the airplane, causing no harm to the avionics, communications, or passenger electronics.



User Arkh
6.3k points