“Words without actions are the assassins of idealism” by Herbert Hoover, the 31st President of the United States (1929–1933). The quote, Words without actions are the assassins of idealism, has a deep meaning in itself: the words could represent an idea, dream, aspiration, theory, and policy; meanwhile, the actionsrepresent the practice and implementation of the words. The idealism is a kind of a vision or a goal. I agree that words without actions will restrain or prevent to achieve the goal, and it will finally assassins the vision.
The words or a dialogue is a primary significant element of communication. We are not able to initiate somewhat without communication. For example, a vision of making social change come from human. It begins from inside human being, and it is discussed among a group of people who have a similar vision. The group of people will come together with a vision, they will turn it to be realistic as an implementation plan, and after that they need to intently implement it in order to accomplish the goal.
In addition, Paolo Freire (2000) indicated a praxis concept, that is a mixture of theory and practice, mainly in education, he suggested to include more practical in learning process, not only theory. Freire also has an idea of reflection and action as transformation. The words or dialogue will reflect and then people will act, which is where the transformation begins. However, the words without actions is similar to setting a plan and a goal, but never conducting it, which will definitely restrain to reach the goal; as Hoover says: “Words without actions are the assassins of idealism”.
The quote of Hoover aimed to inspire people to take action to their ideas, dreams, and visions to make something different in real life. Therefore, the words and action are both essential to accomplish on something. Action is the most difficult part of making change, but it is the way to get closer to the goal, without action is a barrier to achieve the goal, and it will slowly assassin it. It is easy to speak, but to walk the talk is more difficult, and it is a challenging. To take action, is not comfortable. Indeed, change will not happen overnight, but when we begin to act and practice today step-by-step, and it eventually will bring achievement and accomplishment.