From greatest to least magnitude

The absolute value of a number |x| is the positive value of x. So if x is positive then it's the number itself and if x is negative it is the positive value of the number
Ex. |5| = 5 and |-5| = 5
Take the absolute values of each of the numbers first
|12.3| = 12.3
|-20| = 20
|2 3/10 | = 2 3/10 = 23/10 = 2.3
|-4| = 4
|8| = 8
|-6| = 6
Now arrange these numbers from greatest to least. The order is
20, 12.3, 8, 6, 4, 2.3
So in terms of the original numbers this corresponds to
|-20| , |12.3| , |8|, |-6| , |-4| , |2 3/10|