6 Answer:
A _____ hazard is generally a microbe such as a bacterium, virus,
or parasite.
a. biological c. deleterious
b. physical d. chemical
7 Answer:
In a food processing plant, _____ are probably the biggest source
of contamination.
a. employees' hands
b. food preparation surfaces
c. tools and equipment used to handle food
d. employees' feet and shoes
8 Answer:
Procedures developed over time to ensure the production of safe and
wholesome food and to provide a safe working environment are called
_____ practices.
a. sanitization c. good manufacturing
b. post-production d. facility management
9 Answer:
A food-preparation surface that will not rust or deteriorate as a
result of continuous applications of water is said to be _____ resistant.
a. aquatically c. continually
b. corrosion d. sanitizer
10 Answer:
The maintenance of overall cleanliness and hygiene in the food
processing environment is known as food _____.
a. safety c. galvanizing
b. sanitation d. HACCP
11 Answer:
_____ gloves, used to protect hands from knife cuts, are made from
very tiny steel links joined together.
12 Answer:
_____ is another name for pests such as insects or rodents.
13 Answer:
Contamination of a finished product through carelessness or
improper storage procedures is called _____ contamination.