8 1/4 or 33/4
How to muliply fractions: just multiply all the denominators together and the numerators together
However, if your mulitplying whole numbers, you have to change those into improper fractions using the formula: Whole number x denomiator + numerator
**Make sure to put the same numerator as you had before when you change to an improper fraction!!!
-4 1/2 = -9/2
-2 1/5 = -11/5
5 -9 -11 5 x -9 x -11 -45 x -11 (use a calculator) 495
-- x -- x --- = --------------- = ------------- = ------------
6 2 5 6 x 2 x 5 12 x 5 60
1 33
= 8.25 or 8 ---- = --------
4 4