1. How many whole numbers between 1 and 20 is divisible by 2? by4? by 6?
2. How many whole numbers between 1 and 100that are not divisible by 3? or by 11?
3. Fill the empty boxes to show the largest possible value of _ 8 9 4 9 _
4. which of the following numbers in the set is is divisible by 12? {256, 519, 822}
5. which of the following numbers in the set is divisinle by? {4256, 5225, 6336, 8119}
6. write down any 3-digit number, Repeat the 3 digits to make 6-digit number.
Divide the 6-digit number by 13 , divide again by 11. Lastly,divide the quotient from the second divisiion by 7. What did you get? Explain.
7.Find the value represent by _ in the 6 digit number, 458,___ Such that this number is the smallest divisible 3, 4, and 5.