2 votes
Record the work you completed for the "Explore: Recipe" assignment here.

Research a traditional recipe with a minimum of 5 ingredients from a Spanish-speaking country. Choose pan de muertos, empanadas de bistec, sopapillas, posole, arroz con gandules, pupusas or other recipes. Under the supervision of an adult, prepare your recipe and see how you like it.

Then, in Spanish, record yourself saying the ingredients you needed to make it, how you prepared it, and then whether or not you like the recipe and why in Spanish. Be specific. Use a dictionary to look up any words (not full sentences) that you do not know to describe food. Expand on vocabulary you do know.

If you are unable to purchase ingredients to make a recipe, that's ok! Find a recipe anyhow, and use your imagination to complete the activity.

Remember, you are to record yourself speaking in Spanish.

Name of the recipe. La receta se llama...
The ingredients you needed to make the dish. Conjugate the verbs in the preterite tense.
To use=usar, To buy= comprar
A step by step description of how to make the recipe. Conjugate the verbs in the preterite tense to tell what you did. To cook=cocinar, To cut=cortar, To add=agregar/añadir, To bake=hornear, To stir=revolver/remover, To mix=mezclar, To pour (liquid)=vertir, To put or to place=poner*, To cover=cubrir/tapar
Explain if you liked the food and describe its taste using estaba. Give reasons as to why you liked it or not.

Additional vocabulary

la sartén: frying pan
la olla/ la cacerola: cooking pot
el molde para horno/ la bandeja para horno: baking pan
asar: to grill
freír: to fry
hervir: to boil

**Your work conjugates the verbs in the parentheses in the preterite tense**

Example: Yo (preparar) una tortilla española. (Comprar) los huevos, las papas y las cebollas. (Usar) la sal y el aceite de oliva. Primero, (cortar) las papas y las cebollas. (Revolver) los huevos con la sal. Además, (mezclar) las verduras con el aceite de oliva. Yo puse* la mezcla en un molde para horno y la (cubrir) con los huevos y la sal. Finalmente, la (hornear). Me gustó mucho la receta porque estaba salada y rica. La tortilla española es una opción saludable y fácil de hacer. Se la sirve en los bares de tapas en España.

Your response must contain at least 10 detailed and complete sentences in Spanish.

Your response needs to be at least 30 seconds in length.

You will be graded on (a) appropriate use of grammar and vocabulary, (b) completeness and detail of the response, and (c) pronunciation.

User Flashspys
6.9k points

1 Answer

5 votes

Recipe: Arroz con Leche (de las Honduras)


Preparé un arroz con leche hondureño. Compré arroz blanco, palitos de canela, ralladura de limón, clavo, una lata de leche condensada azucarada y extracto de vainilla. Usé un huevo, leche y agua. Primero remojé los palitos de arroz, la canela, la ralladura de limón y los clavos en el agua durante una hora. Después de remover, puse a hervir la mezcla de arroz a fuego alto, y cuando empezó a hervir, bajé el fuego y lo cociné durante 10-12 minutos hasta que se evaporó el agua. Luego, batí el huevo en un tazón, agregué la leche y revolví bien para mezclar. Agregué la mezcla de huevo, el extracto de vainilla y la leche condensada al arroz y los cociné durante 25-35 minutos. Lo dejo enfriar destapado. Finalmente, dejé reposar el arroz con leche y lo distribuí en los recipientes que tenía pensado servir. El último detalle es espolvorear canela por encima para darle un toque de color y sabor. El arroz con leche se puede disfrutar frío o caliente.

Why you like the recipe:

Me gusta mucho la receta porque es dulce y cremosa. El arroz con leche hondureño es una comida sana y fácil de hacer. Se sirve como postre en Honduras.


I prepared a Honduran rice pudding. I bought white rice, cinnamon sticks, lemon zest, cloves, a can of sweetened condensed milk, and vanilla extract. I used an egg, milk and water. First I soaked the rice sticks, cinnamon, lemon zest and cloves in the water for an hour. After stirring, I brought the rice mixture to a boil over high heat, and when it started to boil, I lowered the heat and cooked it for 10-12 minutes until the water evaporated. Then, I beat the egg in a bowl, added the milk and stirred well to mix. I added the egg mixture, vanilla extract, and condensed milk to the rice and cooked them for 25-35 minutes. I let it cool uncovered. Finally, I let the rice pudding rest and distributed it in the containers that I planned to serve. The last detail is to sprinkle cinnamon on top to give it a touch of color and flavor. Rice pudding can be enjoyed hot or cold.

I really like the recipe because it is sweet and creamy. Honduran rice pudding is a healthy and easy meal to make. It is served as a dessert in Honduras.

User Zergood
7.5k points