Statement 1 : ll
Empty grocery cart runs faster than the loaded one.
By Newton's second law ( law of Acceleration ) :

If the mass is less, less force will be exerted to move it. hence empty cart runs faster than full cart as it requires more force.
Statement 2 : l
Using Seatbelt to hold your body from leaning forward when a car you are riding suddenly stops.
By Newton's first law ( law of inertia ) :
" An object has tendency to resist change in its state until any external unbalanced force is applied on it. "
So, while driving our state is in motion, and when we apply brake, it's change of state from motion to rest, hence by law of inertia, our body still keep up in motion, that makes us to lean forward.
Statement 3 : lll
While rowing a boat,paddling will cause the bat to moved forward.
By Newton's third law ( law of enteraction ) :
" Every action has an equal and opposite reaction "
when we paddle, we push (apply force on) the water backwards, and hence water exerts a force on us in forward direction that let us move accordingly in water.
Statement 4 : ll
A biker slightly presses the brake as his bike travels down on a slope.
By Newton's second law ( law of Acceleration ) :

A biker applies brake when it's a slope, because it's acceleration increases significantly when it goes down the slope and to maintain the speed he applies a brake to slow down. ( increase in Acceleration causes bike to move fast, as more force is exerted )
Statement 5 : ll
lt is easier for you to move a box with relief goods when helped by friends than moving it all by yourself.
By Newton's second law ( law of Acceleration ) :

By the given formula we can clearly conclude that, to move a bulky object ( having heavy mass ), greater force is required, so we call for help as we can easily increase the force when there's more than one person pushing it.
Statement 6 : ll
A toy truck with loads runs slower compared to a toy truck with empty loads when you pushed them at the same time.
By Newton's second law ( law of Acceleration ) :

If same force is exerted on heavy and light object, Acceleration of that of lighter body will be more than that of bulky body, so.. the truck with load on it has more mass than truck with no load, hence truck with load moves slower.
Statement 7 : l
A kid catches a flying boomerang and stopping its motion.
By Newton's first law ( law of inertia ) :
" An object has tendency to resist change in its state until any external unbalanced force is applied on it. "
When the kid catches the boomerang it was in motion, so it resists to come at rest, Therefore we need to apply a force and with time it comes to rest.
Statement 8 : lll
Your hand hurts when you punch someone hard.
By Newton's third law ( law of enteraction ) :
" Every action has an equal and opposite reaction "
As we hit something hard, it feels painful because when we apply force on that hard object it applies the same force on our palm that results in pain.
Statement 9 : lll
Rocket propulsion or when rocket lifts off from a shuttle System.
By Newton's third law ( law of enteraction ) :
" Every action has an equal and opposite reaction "
In order to go up in the sky, one rocket applies a force download by the process of propulsion and hence by Newton's third law, a force of same magnitude is applied on it that cause Rocket to lift up.
Statement 10 : ll
A cart at rest start moving once someone pushes it forward.
By Newton's second law ( law of Acceleration ) :

Acceleration in a body is caused by force acting on it, so to move a car ( Accelerate ) we push it forward ( apply force ).