Buying of Grocery/Vegetables/Fruits/Stationery items and other daily stuffs comes under Unitary Method(Addition, subtraction. Multiplication and Division).
Visiting doctor’s clinic on given time, catch a bus, going to school, overtaking a vehicle while driving involves Speed, Distance and Time.
When you want to fill a given quantity of milk/water/oil equally in given containers then it involves LCM and HCF.
From Geometry world.
When you want to locate somebody’s house using address given to you, then you uses Coordinate Geometry.
When you take milk, fill a bucket, water the plants, it involves Surface area and Volume.
Kicking a football, throwing a ball, Volleyball and Basketball games involves Lines and Angles.
We use algebra quite frequently in our everyday lives, and without even realizing it. We not only use algebra, we actually need algebra, to solve most of our problems that involves calculations.These are all things that Algebra can be used for in the real world.