Disadvantages of batch production
Batch production certainly isn’t suitable for every business and industry. Here are the disadvantages of batch production:
1. Difficulty automating
Due to the variables required for batch production it can be more challenging to automate the system. That’s because the equipment and process method has to consider the different attributes for each product.
2. Potential for employee downtime
When there is a ‘pause’ for reset or other adjustments between stages of production, as well as numerous quality control checks and testing along the process, there may be increased employee downtime. Particularly if equipment or machinery needs to be cleaned – for example, with food manufacturing.
3. More costly than mass production
When compared to mass production, batch production can be more expensive because there are usually more stages to the manufacturing process. Initial outlays of batch production equipment and technology can also be costly, because it needs to be specifically designed to perform a range of functions.
4. Production can take longer
When goods are being produced in a series of steps, and they are not able to move onto the next stage until every item in the batch is ready, the overall manufacturing process can take longer. This is especially true if alterations to machinery need to be made before production can continue, or if there is a delay in having the next phase ready.