We cook so we can
- eat, without cooking we would not be able to eat.
-for fun, many people cook just for fun or for bonding moments with their friends, family,or partner.
-for money, so people have jobs that require them to cook, which is how they make a living and pay their bills.
-it's healthy, it is much better to take in food that you make at home with your own ingredients than eating fast food constantly.
-to try new things, we someone cooks they always use something new to spice up their recipes or to give something new a try
& finally we cook probably because others around us do it. It is a survival tactic, if we do not cook we will have to go back to our nomadic ways for hunting and frying food over a small fire made with spare wood. It would be in our best interest to cook to ensure we get enough nutrients and to take care of ourselves.