So, the car travel in approximately 5.96 hours or as same as 21,456 s.
Hello ! Here I will help you about the relationship between distance, speed, and time. We know, at the same time, when we move with the higher speed, we will travel a longer distance. Between distance and speed must have comparable units. For example, for distance we use km (kilometers), whereas if we use mph for speed, then for time in hours (h), we will convert distance into miles (mi). Then, lets we look at the problem, the distance unit is in miles (mi) and the speed unit is in miles per hour (mph), then to get the travel time in hours (h), we don't need to convert distance and speed to any units anymore.
Formula Used
Here, I give you two types of formulas that you need to rembember. There are the formula for the relationship between distance, speed, and time; and the formula for converting the value of time in hours to seconds.
Relationship Between Distance, Speed, & Time
The relationship between distance, speed, and time can be expressed in this equation :


With the following condition:
- s = shift or distance
- v = velocity
- t = time
Converting Hours To Second
The formula that you can use for converting value of the time in hours to second is :

Problem Solving
Time in hours
We know that :
- s = shift or distance = 405 miles
- v = velocity = 68 mph
What was asked?
Answer :

Time in second
We know that :
What was asked ?

Conclusion :
- So, the car travel in approximately 5.96 hours or as same as 21,456 s.