Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Step-by-step explanation:
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.
Different tissues can make up the same organ.