How to describe the weather in French
To describe the weather in French you will mostly use expressions made of verb 'faire', which means 'it takes', you use it for basic weather expressions.
il + the 3rd person singular of the verb 'faire' + adjective
il y a + preposition + article + noun
c'est + adjective
Il + verb
Il va grêler. = It's going to hail.
Il fait beau/mauvais. = It's a beautiful / ugly day.
ll fait 20 degrés. = It's 20 degrees.
Il y a beaucoup de vent. = It's very windy.
C'est brumeux. = It's foggy.
What is the weather like in French?
To ask What is the weather like?, the francophones usually say Quel temps fait-il?, and you answer with Il fait, but if you want to talk about the temperature you say 'La temperature est de vingt cinq degrés.
quel temps + 3rd person of verb faire + il
the 3rd person of verb aller + t +il+ verbe
the 3rd person of verb faire + il + adjective
Quel temps fait-il aujourd'hui? = What is the weather like today?
Va-t-il neiger? = Is it going to snow?
Fait-il nuageux? = Is it cloudy?