object of the preposition
I put the pizza on (preposition) the table (object).
subject complement examples
the box (subject) is a present (subject complement)
the socks (subject) smell bad (subject complement)
subject complement describes the thing
verb complement examples
i want (verb) good food (verb complement)
i threw (verb) the ball (verb complement)
if you just "i want" or "i threw" a person might ask what? what did you want or what did you throw...verb complement answers that question...good food or the ball
direct object example
the cat caught (verb) a mouse (direct object)
direct object says who did what
indirect object example
he gave me (indirect object) the book (direct object)
he gave her (indirect object) a table (direct object)
so you can say it indirectly
object complement
I found his room (direct object) very messy (object complement)
The comedian kept the crowd (direct object) entertained (object complement)
object complement describes the main thing
main thing is the direct object
messy room
entertained crowd