Answer: Check to make sure it is plugged into the wall first . or that the power cord is plugged into the laptop and the laptop is charged up.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. (If you are on a desktop, you need to have it plugged in at all times.)
2. (On a desktop you may need a new power supply or fan if it is an old enough machine, the power supply can be replaced if that does not work you may need a new motherboard or processor chip can test it with a second power supply.
3. Oh, do you have enough ventilation inside the case is the fan working on the back of the case, and are the vents on the front clogged ?? A machine needs free-flowing air from the front to back to cool down the hard drive and the DVD or cd rom players as well as the MB. Use canned air and clean those vents and spray that air everywhere inside the desktop tower ...
4. Age is also a factor when a machine gets too old it will slow down and take longer to come on till one day it just stops.
5.. ( On a desktop, you have the CMOS battery on the MB that helps keep the machine running it is the size of a watch battery and you can get it at the local store.
6.. That battery (CMOS) needs to be replaced at least once a year as it controls your time and date and the year as it is imperative to work on your motherboard for peak performance.
7. You may have a virus,use an antivirus, like AVAST and try to add it on a USB thumb drive to clean the machine outside of windows or mack